New GitHub Actions for caching files to Amazon S3In GitHub Actions, caching dependencies and build results can reduce the time for tests and builds. Official actions for each language such…Mar 24, 2024Mar 24, 2024
json2yaml written in GoI have recently created a command line tool json2yaml written in Go language. This command reads JSON file and outputs YAML to the standard…Aug 29, 2022Aug 29, 2022
Issues of doautoall command of Vim and changes in 8.2.2596The doautoall command of Vim has been a problematic for me. But by the changes of 8.2.2596, all my concerns have been gone away. This…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
gojq has been added to homebrew/coreIn Apr 2019, I started gojq project, which is a Go implementation of jq command and library. The development is still going on and…Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Golang implementation of jq: gojqI have been working on a pure Go language implementation of jq. The command gojq is highly compatible with jq and also capable to embed…Apr 26, 20203Apr 26, 20203
Homebrew installer in Bash is released!The installer of Homebrew was written in Ruby for years. Here’s the legacy installation command.Mar 4, 2020Mar 4, 2020
Batch renaming tool written in Go languageRecently I created a file renaming tool using Go language. This tool is portable and even works on Windows.Jan 11, 2020Jan 11, 2020
JSON formatter written in jqjq is an Turing-complete interpreter language with JSON iterator as the first-citizen object. The jq language has basic arithmetic and…May 10, 20191May 10, 20191
Golang port of jo: gojoI recently created a Go language port of the cli tool jo.Apr 9, 2019Apr 9, 2019
gore 0.4.0 is released!A new version 0.4.0 of gore, a Go language REPL, is released today 🎉.Feb 28, 2019Feb 28, 2019